Over the last decade, data science has taken the world by storm. You’ll find that practically every industry is impacted by data science. This is because companies big and small rely on data to run their operation. In fact, data science is regarded as the highest paying role of this century. With that in mind, here are just some reasons why you should consider going into a career in data science.

High Demand

When looking for a career, it’s wise to pick one that’s in high demand. This will mean that you can be confident your position is secure and there are no risks attached. Data science in particular is in high demand. Job seekers all over have all kinds of opportunities in this field. What’s more, LinkedIn regards data science as the fastest-growing occupation, with an expected 11.5 million jobs to be created by 2026. If you are looking for a new career, data science is highly employable, whatever specialty or niche you go into.

Plenty of Opportunities

There is a shortage of data scientists in the United States. This means because there’s a lack of competition and it’s a relatively new field, you have more opportunities to secure your dream role. One of the advantages of a data science career is the ability to work in various industries. These include healthcare, marketing, sales, and pharmaceutical. Other industries include retail, financial services, and consulting. As mentioned, every business uses data to make decisions and drive their company forward, so make sure you pick a field that interests you, or you may not work to your full potential.

Lucrative Salary

In addition to job security, we all aspire to be in a role that pays handsomely. One of the main appeals of a data science role is the salary. Because there’s a high demand for data scientists across the country, you can expect to be heavily rewarded financially. According to reports, the annual average salary of a data scientist ranges between $115,000 and $125,000. Once you head into the role and work your way up to a senior data scientist, you can expect to earn $200,000 per annum roughly.

Makes Data Better

Businesses employ skilled data scientists to process and analyze their data. In this role, it’s your duty to not only examine the data, but enhance its quality too. This means whatever sector you fall into, your day-to-day responsibilities will be dealing with data and making it better for the organization. As you start to make changes that impact the business positively, this can give you a great sense of accomplishment.

Highly Prestigious

Whatever career you decide on, you’ll want to know your talent, expertise, and knowledge are fully appreciated and acknowledged. Because a data scientist is in charge of processing and analyzing data, businesses value their role enormously, especially as data scientists help company owners make wiser and better business decisions. This gives data scientists a prestigious and important role within a business. Being respected by your peers can not only give you a sense of worth, but help you stay focused in your role and strive for perfection.

Challenging Work

Data science is made up of a number of disciplines, including computer programming, statistics, and math. A role in data science orders you to continuously learn and master new skills. Unlike many fields, data science isn’t monotonous work. This means you won’t be doing the same tasks day in day out. When interpreting a new set of data, there is an array of challenges and obstacles you will face too. To flourish in data science, you will need to become a pro at problem solving and learn how to work well under pressure. Understandably, stress levels can rise when you’re up against an issue, so dealing with your stress is vital.

Save Lives

You may not realize it, but a data science role can help you save the lives of others. In the healthcare field especially, their operations have significantly improved thanks to data science. Examples of this include machine learning, which has made it easier to identify early-stage tumors. Lots of other health care fields use data science to help clients too. If you’re after a position that can involve your work being the difference between life and death, a data science career is a no brainer.

Evolving Field

One of the exciting things about data science is how quickly it’s evolving in recent years. There are tons of exciting fields that are emerging within data science, including machine learning and artificial intelligence. New technologies like edge computing, blockchain, and digital twins are also emerging within data science.

Career of Tomorrow

Companies are becoming more and more data driven as each day passes. With billions of people across the planet using the internet, tons of data are being generated every second. In fact, according to estimates, each person on the globe creates roughly 1.7MB of data every 60 seconds! Data holds the power to create better products and deliver a more personalized customer experience. If you’re after a profession that continues to evolve and benefit those from all walks of life, data science may be for you.


If you’re certain that a data science career is for you, you may worry about having the time to commit to earning specialist credentials. Thankfully, the data scientists of the future can check out Baylor University which offers online computer science masters and a track in data science. This means you can study for a degree from the comfort of your own home. What’s more, you can learn at a time and leisure that suits you best. If you’re currently in full-time employment, you can study for a computer science degree around your day-to-day duties.

The field of data science is enormous and has plenty of advantages attached. If you’re looking for a career change, there is a wide selection of data science roles you can step into that can transform both your life and the lives of others.