We have seen so many technologies mushrooming up in the last few years. We have witnessed many developments in websites and applications space, and Node JS is one such programming language. Node JS is considered to be one of the powerful and crucial frameworks all around the world. It is a cross platform backend JavaScript runtime environment loved by companies to develop their web or mobile applications. From healthcare to fintech, companies are looking to hire node.js developers for development. Tech giants like eBay, Walmart, GoDaddy, LinkedIn and many others are using Node JS and looking to hire Node JS developers.  

Are you also looking to hire a Node.js developer? You’ve reached the right place. This article is exactly what you need. I have penned down everything you need to know about the hiring process and how to make it less tedious for you. Here, I will discuss responsibilities, questions you should ask your prospective employee and where you can hire them?

Roles and Responsibilities of NodeJS Developers

There are so many responsibilities that a Node JS developer has to handle on a daily basis. Developing, deploying and  maintaining web and mobile apps and website development. Here are some of the responsibilities that a Node JS developer has to complete. These are; 

  • Ensure interoperability between users and the servers 
  • Accelerate the performance of central database
  • Look after all the frontend and backend requests and solve all roadblocks
  • Take all necessary steps to ensure data protection and security
  • Writing clear, concise and clear code
  • Collaborate with other team members to ensure smooth integration
  • Perform regular checks, find errors and fix errors.  
  • Recommend suggestions in the software development process.

Things you need to know before hiring NodeJS Developers

A thought-out process is the foundation of a successful hire. Let’s understand the prerequisites you need to know to hire Node JS developers in the right way. I have listed a few skills that will help you with the recruitment process;

Fundamentals of Programming

Knowledge of Node Js and the V8 engine are the two things you need to check in their resume. Also, check their understanding of ES 6 and its different features. They should also have familiarity with programming languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, and much more.


The knowledge of RESTful APIs is a must for any development project. RESTful APIs boost operational efficiency and ensure the seamless exchange of information between two software components. Therefore, it is a must to check the knowledge of RESTful APIs before you hire Node JS developers.

Application Performance Monitoring Tools

To start a project successfully, you need to look for Node JS developers who are proficient with popular APM technologies. They should have a good working knowledge of open-source platforms like Prometheus, ELK stack etc. to save it from memory leaks and remove all potential app vulnerabilities.      

Front-end Knowledge

Along with the knowledge of backend technologies, hire a Node JS developer who is skilled in front-end technologies like HTML 5, CSS 3 and SASS. Make sure that their past work experience includes the application of web development technologies like AJAX. In addition to that, the developer must also have hands-on work experience with front-end frameworks like Angular and Vue and libraries like JQuery. React is mandatory to have.    

Testing Tools

Examine the knowledge of your developer on testing tools by using test runners like Mocha, Ava and Chai. Also, evaluate their knowledge on test-driven development environments like Jest, Jasmine etc. and how they’ve run previously failed tests.

Third-party Technologies

Hire a Node JS developer who has a good understanding of third party technologies like Passport for the authentication process. Sound knowledge of adjacent frameworks like Socket.IO and Express.JS is also good to have in the prospective developer.

How to attract and hire Node.js developers?

Node JS is used by many companies-big or small in their projects. Therefore, you must prepare to attract the best talents for your business. Here’s are some bonus tips for successful hiring;

Define your needs 

Always remember to define your needs in the job description. It is one of the key points that saves you time. Make sure you know your needs and move towards them. Whether you’re looking for a freelancer or a junior Node JS developer or a senior Node JS developer. Make sure you mention the skills and experience based on your needs and preferences. Knowing your requirements beforehand will help you screen the CVs and look for candidates who have relevant skills.

Shorten the recruitment process

Yes, It is an important one. Today companies are cutting down their interview stages as they tend to lose many talented developers throughout the entire process. Avoid putting any unnecessary rounds to avoid losing talent. Hence, having a shorter recruitment process is much better. It makes your hiring process simple, easy, and less time-consuming to find the right Node JS developer.  

Make a tempting presentation

There are so many companies looking to hire Node JS developers. As a recruiter, it is crucial to stand out by preparing a persuading pitch for developers to join the company. Discuss the exciting new opportunities they will have in the company, upcoming new projects etc. Make it tempting so that they will be interested in joining the company.

Looking to hire Node JS developers- Where to find them?

Here are some places where you can hire Node JS developers with relevant experience for your business. 

Hire Node.js Developers from Job Posting Sites

You can find talented developers from job posting websites like Naukri, Monster, Indeed and many others. All you have to do is wait and then conduct the interview of the selected candidates.    

Hire Node.js developers from Social Networks

Another good place to hire a Node JS developer is through professional networks like LinkedIn. You can post vacancies and hire Node JS developers with relevant experience.  


You can take help from outsourcing companies and hire your desired developer for the organization. Turing is a one-stop solution for developers and companies. Its AI-backed intelligent talent cloud helps by giving you access to the top 1% of developers and hiring Node JS developers from anywhere. At Turing.com, you can vet, match, and hire Node JS developers remotely. So head to Turing.com and hire Node JS developers that fit your needs and preferences.

That’s all for now! I hope you’ve had fun reading the post. If you’re looking to hire a Node JS developer for your organization, you can proceed with one of the above-mentioned platforms. If you want to save yourself all the troubles, go for the outsourcing platforms like turing.com and hire developers in 3 sample steps. In case you have some doubt, feel free to comment below.

Author bio:

Akansha is currently working as a Technical Content writer for Turing.com. She is a professional content writer with more than 4 years of industry experience. When not working, Akansha enjoys spending time with her family, reading books and traveling.