Bluetooth speaker Definition

If you like to enjoy good music in any situation, this article is perfect for you. Whether you want to relax in the living room, listen to a song while taking a shower, or throw a party on the terrace, you need one of these devices.

Today we show you everything you need to know and some of the best options for wireless speakers.

What are Bluetooth speakers?

  1. Among the different devices that we can choose to listen to our favorite songs are Bluetooth speaker.Some equipment that allows us to play.
  2. There are smaller, larger, more powerful models or with different connection technologies. We can even buy some that we can put in contact with water without problems.
  3. But, the most imperative thing is to know all those details that will help us choose the best option according to the use we want to give them.

Tips for choosing a good Bluetooth speaker

When choosing one of these teams, you must take into account the following characteristics to make the best choice:

Connectivity :

  • The primary way and the most important that we will have to interact with these devices is Bluetooth connectivity. But, besides, we could be interested in having other types of systems such as NFC, for faster synchronization, or the WiFi signal, to be able to manage them remotely.

Sound quality :

  • It is a section that depends a lot on the tastes you have. You may enjoy music more with more bass, treble, or a more balanced sound. The main problem is that you will not be able to know this parameter until you try them for yourself.
  • So, we recommend that you try to go to a store to take a test if you are a music lover, and you want to make sure of this feature.

Manufacturing quality :

  • And also, the units that be contingent on personal tastes. If you are a design lover, this feature may be necessary.
  • But, even if you enjoy more premium materials, if you are going to be moving the speaker continuously, you should keep an eye on one whose finishes are not going to suffer too much with that continuous transport.

Power :

  • Depending on the situation in which you want to use the speakers, you will need a model with more or less power. It is not the same that you play music in your room to enjoy a moment of tranquility or disconnection.
  • Instead, you want to use them to listen to the tune of the meeting with friends at a barbecue (when everything returns to normal). This parameter is representing in watts (W).

Compatible codecs :

  • The codecs are secondhand to encode the wireless signal and, therefore, affect the audio compression section so that it is sent more or less quickly through the Bluetooth signal.
  • The most used today are the AptX, the LDAC, the SBC, and the AAC. So, if you want the highest sound quality, your new device must be compatible with one of these codecs.

Autonomy :

  • A key detail to take into account for this type of equipment. You must look carefully at the packaging of the model you want to buy to know the capacity in mah they have and, therefore, the number of hours that you can use them uninterruptedly.
  • But remember, the higher the volume you play the sound, the battery drain will be higher.

Resistance :

  • We depend again on the situation in which we are going to use these devices. If we use it at home, in a room that we have under control, this parameter is not of vital importance.
  • But, if we want to leave it in a place that is close to water, such as a swimming pool or a garden, it is more than recommended that you acquire a model that, at least, resists splashing.

Better speakers

  1. Now is the time when, knowing all these details, you must decide which is the Bluetooth speaker that best suits your uses. You may prefer a smaller model, to make it more portable, or the larger and more powerful one.
  2. We want to make your search work more comfortable and, for this reason, we show you below 10 of the best models of this type of equipment, with characteristics that adapt to practically any kind of use that you can give them.

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