Test automation is the advanced and modern replacement for manual testing. For years, the only option was for human testers to handle the necessary checks and see if the software performs as expected.

Automation testing tools have proven to be a revolutionary discovery that saves time, effort, and resources developers spend on manual testing. Different automation testing tools offer specific features which help developers to ensure that each function in the application is working correctly. But is it possible to do an automated test without human participation? Keep reading to discover the answer and learn about maximizing the benefits of automated testing?

Can You Perform an Automated Test without Human Participation?

It depends on how you look at automated testing. The actual testing process is executed by the machine. That means the computer processes the necessary data and determines the result. But a computer can’t know which tests to perform if a human doesn’t add the parameters.

Engineers are necessary to set automation tools and adjust the testing parameters. They do the preparation part and initiate the test. So, you can’t eliminate human participation completely. But the important part is that test execution is 100% automatic. Once the test starts, the machine will perform the necessary analysis and deliver the results when finished.

Is It Possible to Automate All Software Tests?

The answer is no, and that’s because some test criteria are subjective. The most common example is user experience testing. You might want to explore the app and determine if it meets users’ needs. An automatic test can assess whether the button works, but it can’t decide if there’s a better placement for it on the screen.

Some estimations are you can automate over 70% of the testing throughout the software development. That includes different automation testing types, including the following:

  • Unit testing. Working on a single feature or module takes time. During the development process, you can use automated tests to check if the code works correctly. It saves time and helps discover bugs early, decreasing the risk of big performance issues later.
  • Integration testing. Automated tests can group individual models and check if they run smoothly.
  • Functional and system testing. You can check specific system functions with automated tests, such as whether the page loads correctly after logging in. Smoke tests can check the app’s core functionality, and regression tests serve to ensure there aren’t old bugs or problems with the software after adding new code.
  • Acceptance tests. These focus on usability, but you can still automate some checks. These include A/B tests but also performance testing, including stress, load, and responsivity checks.

How to Determine If You Need a Human to Perform the Test

Automation frees your human workforce to work on other tasks, ensuring you stay on schedule with software development. But it’s necessary for humans to perform specific tests, especially in these situations:

  • You aren’t sure where the problem is. If there’s a bug, but you aren’t sure what’s wrong, you need an exploratory test. It’s the that humans need to perform since you can’t automate it.
  • The test requires human judgment. Usability tests that focus on whether the app provides the expected user experience are a common example. Automated tests can ensure that all buttons work. But humans can also tell you if you need to rearrange the buttons for better UX.
  • You’ll get detailed error reports. Automated tests will create error reports automatically and deliver them to your e-mail. But they’ll only show where the test failed. Humans can prepare detailed error analyses and identify what needs fixing.

When and Why You Should Use Automated Tests?

Automated tests require getting a test automation tool. Top-quality solutions are user-friendly and don’t have a major learning curve. An experienced engineer will figure out how to use the tool quickly. Once they become an expert, it will be easy to prepare and run any automated tests.

But for a test to be suitable for automation, it needs a clear determinant. The computer needs to have clear parameters based on which it’ll determine the outcome.

Now, here’s a quick overview of the major benefits brought by automated tests:

  • Minimize human error in tedious and repetitive tasks. Computers guarantee 100% reliability, unlike humans, who are prone to error if their minds wander.
  • Save time with repeatable tests. If you need to perform the same test multiple times, automating it can save hours or days of your time.
  • Process large data amounts in a short time. Computers can process data faster, and they can keep testing after working hours. They can operate 24/7 to speed up the feedback cycle.
  • Stay on track with the schedule. The human workforce can handle other tasks, which speeds up the development process and ensures you release the software as scheduled.

While it’s impossible to eliminate human intervention completely, automated testing tools reduce this involvement to a minimum. That makes them a wise investment for software development companies, especially in the long run.