Until recently, nonprofits favored traditional marketing, such as events and face-to-face fundraising. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, nonprofits have had to find out newer ways to remain in touch with their donors and entice new donors. In this scenario, email marketing proved effective. It paved the way to conduct donation drives and update their activities while cementing a personal experience.

Reasons Why Charities Feel that Email Marketing is Mandatory

Email marketing has the edge over digital channels and offline methods for charitable organizations.

In 2020, online giving rose by about 21% compared to 2019. From 2017 to 2020, it increased by more than 32%. The underlying reason is that email marketing is a direct line of communication with the individuals who believe in your cause. You can ensure that the communication with them is kept on going and your relationship blossoms. It is a channel for you to express gratitude through a timely ‘Thank You’ email. It inspires donors, and your updates enable us to keep them involved.

Generally, charitable institutions have limited donors as compared with the entire population. With time, the donor base increases. It becomes cumbersome to communicate with each member perpetually. Emails are handy to retain contact with all while ensuring a personal touch. While drafting emails, you can confirm that there is relevant content. The messages arrive right in the recipients’ inbox, unlike social media, where content might slip the readers’ eyes.

Nonprofits have limited budgets, so their performance must be efficient. Emails are not only affordable, but also they manifest results. Such email campaigns do not need any money. The market has free options about various email marketing software. Studies reveal that email marketing for charities has a high RoI. For every thousand emails, the fundraising is, on average 78 USD.

Pearl Lemon Leads can assist you with newsletters, fundraising campaigns, and thank you messages. Its email marketing for charities is useful to raise more donations, expand your network, develop a donor base, and do all activities relevant to nonprofits.

Tips for Drafting High-Converting Nonprofit Emails

Every email must include only one Call-to-action button. The button should have a clear label such as ‘Sign up to volunteer’ or ‘Donate now.’

If you include facts in your email, they do not serve the purpose of connecting with your audience. This is best achieved by real-life examples through which you can relate with them and make them feel about your cause.

The subject line must infuse emotions. It must convey to readers what content is in the email and the reasons for them to help the cause. The line must ignite urgency and leverage potent, emotion-filled verbs such as ‘transform’, ‘save’, or ‘fight.’

The correct way to build credibility is to ensure a recognizable sender name. So, include your first and organization names in your email address.