Hardware Definition

Hardware is the bodily part of a computer or computer system. It is making up of electrical, electronic, electromechanical, and mechanical components, such as cable and light circuits, boards, memories, hard drives, peripheral devices, and any other material in a physical state that is necessary to make the equipment work.

The term hardware comes from English. It means hard parts, and its use has been adopted in the Spanish language without translation, being used to refer to the material components that make up a piece of computer equipment.

What are the basics of Hardware?

Hardware input or input

  • Input devices allow data to be collected, just as the eyes and ears receive information from the world around us.
  • Through the keyboard, we can enter data and information, and with the mouse, we select the icons and menus of the different programs.


  • The memory contains information in sections, like books in a library. The programs and data are stored there.
  • It is also known as RAM, which means you can access anywhere at random.
  • The memory circuits or ” chips ” are etching into a fiberglass material.


  • The processor works like the human brain it examines and alters data, loads and carries out program instructions, and searches for programs in memory to run.
  • It has made up of two parts of the control unit and the logical arithmetic unit. The Control Unit is one that looks for the programs in the memory and executes the instructions of the same.
  • For its part, the logical arithmetic unit searches for the necessary data in memory. It performs the calculations that the programs need.
  • In the processor, there are tiny and complex circuits mounted on a sheet of fiberglass. There are also transistors, which are switches or switches.

Output or output Hardware

  • The output devices show the results that the processor obtained. For example, the monitor or screen displays visual information, speakers transform data into sound, and printers present data on paper

What is the classification of Hardware?

Processing Hardware

  • It corresponds to the Central Processing Unit or CPU. The logical operations center of the computer, where the tasks necessary for the operating of the rest of the components are interpreting and executed.

Storage Hardware

  • It referring to all the components whose function is to protect the information so that the user can access it at any time.
  • The primary device, in this case, is RAM Random Access Memory. Still, it is also entirely up of secondary memories, such as hard drives or SSD or USB memories.

Graphic Hardware

  • It is also mostly made of graphics cards that have their memory, and the CPU is responsible for interpreting performing the signals dedicating to the construction of images.
  • The fact that function does not fall to the CPU has to do with efficiency since by releasing these functions to the main memory, the system works optimally.

Peripheral Devices

  • It is all the Hardware that allows information to enter the computer or go outside. That is divide into three categories.
  • Input peripherals: they are those that allow data access to the computer—for example, keyboard, microphone, webcam, etc.
  • Output peripherals: through them, the user can extract information, such as scanners, printers, consoles, and speakers.
  • Input and output or mixing peripherals: they are capable of entering or extracting information.
  • Touchscreens fall into this category, as do DVD or BlueRay players and flash drives. Latter are essentially secondary memorizing, but it using as mixed peripherals.

What are the Examples of Hardware?

  1. Some simple Examples of Hardware
  2. microprocessors, motherboards, integrating cards (audio, video, etc.)
  3. Monitor projectors, video beam, etc.
  4. The printer scanner is external peripherals.
  5. Keyboard and the pointer ( mouse ) with which the user communicates with the machine.
  6. Modules of the RAM in the CPU.
  7. Batteries keep the system running and wiring that connects to the portions.
  8. Hard drives and removable memory ( flash ) drives.

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