Phone Fell in Water

The tragedy happens when phone fell in water. It is not the ones with IP68 certification capable of withstanding submerged for a few minutes.

But a mobile that only supports splashes and little else. The causes do not matter but acting quickly phone fell in water.

Right now, time is critical, and launching a rescue plan becomes essential if we don’t want to end up using one of those ‘old’ terminals that we had at home just in case.

Suppose you have dropped your mobile in the bathtub, in the pool, in a public fountain.
In a puddle or on the beach, you should follow these steps quickly, especially if it has been on the beach since sea salt is a very powerful corrosive.

Step 1

  • The most obvious, removing the terminal as soon as possible from where it is submerged is crucial, and the fewer seconds we take, the more opportunities we will have.
  • If it was off, once out of the water, don’t turn it on; If it has been turning off, do not turn it on to check if it still works. And if it is still on, do not start to handle it.
  • Just remove the battery quickly, since the phone’s electrical contacts connected with the water that has entered it can cause a short circuit. And if we see sparks fly, then yes, we must abandon all hope.

Step 2

  • The problem is that many current phones have a built-in battery, so opening it is a difficult task. If the mobile has a removable battery, look for the so-called Water Damage Sensor. It should be in the battery hole, and it consists of a white dot or square that variations color if the phone gets wet.
  • It is a security measure that manufacturers mount for a user to abuse the warranty phone fell in water.
  • If it has changed color, then the contract is no longer valid, and we must try to resurrect it ourselves.
  • Take advantage of this moment to also remove the SIM and microSD card if you have one. Anything that can be straining from the mobile, such as housings, covers, covers, external connectors, takes it off.

Step 3

  • Now comes the first phase of drying. It is best to place the mobile on a cloth and wash it little by little with another material or some absorbent paper.
  • It would be best if you enthused it as little as possible, so that the water does not spread, and check for small drops in holes such as the charging port, the plug for the headphones, etc.

Step 4

  • If you have a vacuum cleaner, do not hesitate and pass it to the terminal. In this way, you can suck possible remains of liquid that have remained inside, where we cannot reach with the cloth. With this method, you could dry a mobile in about 30 minutes.
  • But if you don’t have it, don’t be tempted to use a hairdryer. Indeed, some recommend it, but the problem is that the heat can be excessive for the mobile’s internal components, and the effect of blowing air that a dryer does can put possible traces of water further inside.

Step 5

  • After making sure that we cannot dry it anymore, we have to let nature do it and follow the indication that has gone viral on the net: Put the smartphone write for us in rice. Rice certainly helps absorb moisture.
  • And some have revived phones like this, and others who have not worked for them. The idea is that you put the mobile in a bag with rice or perhaps with one of those silica gel bags with anti-humidity balls that come when we buy a cover, a suitcase, etc.
  • Put the phone inside and leave it a period of between 24 and 48 hours to make sure. And alternate it from time to time to absorb moisture from everywhere.

Step 6

  • It is an additional step that you may or may not take. After removing the mobile, you can try to place it for a few hours on an absorbent material such as napkins, kitchen paper, wipes, etc., and leave it in the sun, although watching it and being careful.

Step 7

The moment of truth: After waiting a minimum of 24 hours:

  • But the battery in and try to turn it on. If nothing happens, remove the battery and plug the phone into the charger.
  • If it lights up, it is the battery that is bad. However, if it does not light up, we have not been able to save it. And also, if it turns on and you see that it sounds strange, there is still some water left right in the speaker.
  • For this, there is a fantastic app that removes the water from your mobile speaker, as the guys from El Android Libre tell us and that we can download from their website.

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