Instagram is getting better every year, the platform’s audience is growing at an incredible rate, and developers are adding new features for the convenience of bloggers and ordinary users. Eels, ITV and Stories have become a part of many people’s lives. In recent years, there have been more formats, and now the social network is not just an Internet space where you can share photos with friends and family. One of his posts, the head of the platform stated that now this network will focus on video formats.

In pursuit of red hearts and comments, some influencers make mistakes. Someone thinks that it’s enough to buy likes on instagram, and then the page will become more popular, and someone shoots a lot of content but forgets about the quality of publications.

This article will tell you what effective ways to get likes are relevant this year.

1. The quality of the content.

It will not be a revelation to anyone that people like to look at beautiful pictures. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to this point. Before you publish a post or a story, look at it critically. Do you like the background? Is there any overexposure in the photo or video? Do you look good? Will this publication be useful and interesting? If you answered all the questions positively, you could share the publication with subscribers. And if you did not give an affirmative answer to one of the questions, then we advise you to postpone this publication and bring it to perfection. Don’t chase quantity; quality is the main thing right now. Without high-quality publications, you will not be able to get a large number of likes.

2. Mutual PR and collaborations.

This method is great for exchanging the audience and active users. For example, you can create a joint marathon on transformation or post a shared publication online. Instagram allows you to create such posts. Choosing a blogger with approximately the same numbers and indicators as on your account is important. Compare the number of likes, comments, and subscribers and think about whether your topics match. With a successful collaboration, you will benefit and share likes.

3. Targeted advertising.

Top 5 Best Ways to Get a lot of Likes on instagram

One of the most effective ways to get as many likes and new subscribers as possible is the official advertising from the site. You choose who will see your ads. To accurately select the target audience, you need to know all the parameters: age, place of residence, gender and interests. Potential subscribers will see advertising publications in stories or the feed, and they are usually unobtrusive if you create a creative layout or choose the best of your posts. If you cannot formulate these points precisely, then we advise you to either contact a targetologist, or postpone this idea until a better moment.

4. Contests.

Surely you yourself know that people like to receive prizes and gifts. This knowledge is actively used by popular bloggers who try to conduct such activities on the pages regularly. Promise an interesting and useful prize in exchange for likes, comments and subscriptions. For users, this is not a difficult action, even more so if they are promised a cool prize. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to encourage viewers to participate in the contest, and it can be an inexpensive but pleasant or memorable gift.

5. Cheat likes.

In the media sphere, bloggers don’t like to talk about it and admit that in the first stages, they had to deceive the audience and buy Instagram likes. There is nothing shameful about this because, with this method, you can create a base with which you will later begin to promote your account in organic ways. When a user visits a page and sees a lot of likes, comments and nofollowers, a herd instinct wakes up in him and encourages him to subscribe to an account. This method must be combined with others to get the desired result. If you purchase red hearts, but the quality of publications is low, the audience will not want to support your creativity.

So remember that maintaining an Instagram account is a real job. To become famous and enjoy the activity in the profile daily, you need to make an effort and work hard. Combine methods with each other, try yourself in new video formats and do not regret spending money on account development.