Are you tempted to pursue a Executive Master of Health Administration (EMHA) degree but not completely convinced that this is the right path for you?

If yes, then the below blog is exactly what you need to make the right decision for your future career in healthcare.

Often thought of as the gold standard of healthcare administration qualifications, an EMHA can open so many doors to those seeking out leadership roles within the healthcare sector.

Whether you want to work in management, administration, or in a high-level executive role, keep reading to find out nine reasons why you should pursue an Executive Master of Health Administration role in 2022.

1. High earning potential

Although money isn’t everything, if you invest both your time and hard earned cash into an advanced degree program, you need to know that the financial rewards will be worth the effort.

Fortunately, when it comes to earning potential, an EMHA degree enables you to command a much higher salary. In fact, if you want to maximize your salary in health administration, an Executive Master in Health Administration is by far your best option.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of a Health Manager is $104,280 per annum. Furthermore, the job outlook for this role between 2020 and 2030 is expected to be 32% higher than the national average, which means you will not need to worry about a lack of positions for the foreseeable future.

2. Diverse degree program

When you choose to pursue an Executive Master of Health Administration degree, you have the opportunity to learn about a wide range of disciplines within the Health sector, including health policies, healthcare law, risk management, data management, and so much more.

This means that not only will your studying experience be fulfilling and exciting but, once qualified, you will have the knowledge to take on an extensive range of roles within Health administration.

3. You can study online

If you already work in a demanding role within the healthcare industry, you may be worried about how you are going to manage your current job and your studies.

However, even though an EMHA is a highly advanced degree program, there are many high-quality Executive Master Health Administration programs online for you to choose from.

Studying for your EMHA online is also a good choice for people who have family commitments that would otherwise prevent them from further education and for those who are concerned about commuting and childcare costs.

When looking for an online EMHA program, be sure to choose an accredited university that openly showcases its credentials on its website.

4. More career progression

If you work in healthcare administration and you don’t have an Executive Master of Health Administration degree, there is only so far you can progress in your career.

Even if you have many years of experience in your chosen field, without an EMHA, you will be restricted in what you can achieve and the salary that you can command.

In fact, you may even find that you are at risk of losing your current position in healthcare administration if you don’t show the initiative to increase your knowledge and improve upon your skills.

5. A competitive edge

Even if you are happy in your current role, there may come a time when you start to think about moving to another Health facility or applying for a new job. When this time comes, you will want to ensure that you have the necessary skills and experience to outshine your competitors.

With a Executive Master in Health Administration, you will be able to clearly demonstrate your advanced abilities and show potential employers that you are serious about your career in healthcare.

Simply having an EMHA listed on your resume may be just the foot in the door you need to open up a whole host of new and exciting career opportunities.

6. Quick completion

Some degrees within the healthcare sector are extremely time-consuming and expensive, which can put people off pursuing further education. However, with an EMHA, this is not the case.

As mentioned earlier, there are many online EMHA programs that you can choose from, and some of these can be completed in as little as a year.

Alternatively, if you don’t mind taking your time and you need more flexibility, then you can pursue your EMHA degree part-time without disrupting your current work or family commitments.

7. Wide variety of careers

If you know that you want to move up the career ladder but you are not entirely sure which direction you want to go in, a Executive Master in Health Administration is a great choice.

For example, if you are confident and outgoing, you might want to go into a career in healthcare marketing. Or, if you want a patient-focused role, a clinical position might be better suited to your needs.

From healthcare administrators to operations managers, chief nursing officers to CFOs, there are so many exciting and diverse roles for you to choose from once you are qualified.

8. You will learn practical skills

Always beneficial to your career development, a Executive Master in Health Administration will teach you practical skills that can be applied to roles not just within the Health sector but across all industries.

You can expect to take classes on management, finances, and operations, all of which will make your resume more attractive and improve your chances of landing a wide range of senior-level jobs.

9. You can affect real change

Suppose you already work in the healthcare sector and constantly notice areas that could be improved upon. In that case, an EMHA degree program can give you the opportunity to make systemic changes.

For example, you may be responsible for the hiring and training of key members of staff who can dramatically improve patient care. Or you may be in charge of financing and budgeting, which can help make a facility more efficient.

Whatever changes you would like to make, an EMHA gives you authority to affect change on an institutional level.