Search Engine Definition

A Search Engine is a computer system to searches for Files stored on web servers thanks to its “spider” (or Web crawler).

Searches are done with keywords or hierarchical trees by subject. The search result is a list of web addresses that mentioned the searched keywords.

Search engines create website listings using spiders that crawl the web pages, index their information. And also, nofollow the links from them to other pages.

What are the Types of a Search engine?

There are different types of search engines, basically characterized by having other functions and uses.

There has been classifying into three groups:


They use their spiders to review databases, collect information compatible with the request made.

And then classify the results by search and by the browsing history of the person doing it.


They group the links not by their relevance or relation to the search, as hierarchical ones do.

But by categories, and the results of the requests organize them based on the publication date.

Metasearch engines

They take information from other systems or search engines to offer a general result of the query made.

It presents through links ordered according to what is established by its own structure.

What is the Importance of the Search Engine?

In addition to facilitating Internet browsing, search engines contribute to the web in these systems.

Vital for any business or undertaking to be carried out with total effectiveness. In the case of Google, 60% of searchers do not progress beyond the first page of results.

Therefore, to offer a service or product with the most significant successes, your company must be among the first positions.

Now that you know what a search engine is and its implications.

Please make an effort to position your company’s information to reach as many people as possible because, most likely, many people need it.

However, there will still be many who do not know it.

What are the major Search Engines?

Perhaps the one you have heard the most about is Google.

Whose work has based on a PageRank write for us that positions page good optimization or linked to other websites in the best search results, but this is not the only one?

There is another variety of search engines that are also an alternative.

Depending on the type of query that will carry, their operation may vary depending on the algorithm you use.

In addition to Google, they stand out among the leading search engines:


Built into the Windows 10 browser encompasses 10% usage among the global search engine market.

It allows you to do advanced searches, filter content, and find everything from text and images to videos.


It can be as efficient as Google but without tracking users.

And also, it can use other engines to respond to your search requests. It will never share the data you enter with them.


Another that inspires tremendous confidence is because it is a pioneer in search.

In part, its query results also depend on the same sources used by the giant Google. Also, its platform offers current news and mail service.

It has been widely criticizing for being automatically included in the browser options bars when installing free programs.

Still, this search engine can efficiently and accurately answer questions you ask about a keyword.