There are several distinct sorts of contracts that may be carried out in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. One of the more popular contracts is called a “smart contract.” A self-executing agreement that uses blockchain technology to ensure and enforce the terms of the deal is what a smart contract refers to. As this technology continues to grow in popularity, it is important for businesses to understand what a smart contract is, and more importantly, how to audit them. In this blog post, we will discuss what a smart contract is, and take a look at some of the best companies for auditing them.

What Is A Smart Contract?

Computerized agreements that use blockchain technology to verify and enforce their conditions are known as smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that rely on predetermined rules or conditions to determine whether or not the contract will be executed. These contracts are written in code, and once they are published to the blockchain, they cannot be changed or edited.

What Is Smart Contract Auditing?

Just like any other type of contract, it is important for businesses to have their smart contracts audited by professionals before using them in production. The purpose of a smart contract audit is to ensure that the code is bug-free and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.

A contract’s size, and complexity determine the cost of its smart contract auditing. The average cost for a basic code review is around $5000, but the price can go up significantly if a more comprehensive audit is required.

There are several different types of audits that can be performed on a smart contract:

  • Code review- This is the most basic type of audit, and it involves reviewing the code for obvious errors or bugs.
  • Functional testing– Functional testing is used to test the functionality of the contract. This includes double-checking that all conditions and restrictions are satisfied, as well as ensuring that the contract is functioning as intended.
  • Security assessment- A security assessment is a more in-depth examination of the code, looking for potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.
  • Compliance review- Compliance reviews are necessary to ensure that the smart contract adheres to all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Flaw detection audit- A flaw detection audit is used to find and fix coding errors in the contract.

Best Smart Contract Auditing Companies

There are a number of companies that offer smart contract auditing services, but not all of them are created equal. Here are some of the best companies for smart contract auditing:

  • Parity- Parity is a well-known provider of blockchain technology solutions including smart contract audits.
  • DLA Piper- DLA Piper is a global law firm with experience in advising businesses on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology issues. They provide a complete and comprehensive band of legal services which includes smart contract evaluations.
  • ConsenSys Diligence- ConsenSys Diligence is a division of ConsenSys, a leading provider of blockchain technology solutions that provides smart contract audits as well.
  • Ethereum Foundation- The Ethereum Foundation is a non-profit organization that promotes the development of Ethereum that has a variety of services, including smart contract audits.
  • Astra Security- Astra Security is a security firm that specializes in saas security, VAPT, cloud security and security of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency that also offers smart contract auditing.
  • Certified- Certified is a leading provider of smart contract auditing services. They have extensive experience in reviewing and testing contracts for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • PWC- PWC is one of the largest accounting firms in the world, and they offer a wide range of services, including smart contract auditing.
  • EY- Ernst & Young is a global accounting firm that offers a variety of services, including smart contract auditing.
  • KPMG- KPMG is another large accounting firm that offers smart contract auditing services.

These are just a few of the many companies that offer smart contract auditing services. It is important to do your research before selecting a provider and to ensure that they have experience in auditing smart contracts.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Smart Contract Auditing

There are a number of advantages to performing a smart contract audit:

  • Ensures that the code is bug-free and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations
  • Can find and fix coding errors in the contract
  • Prevents exploitation of vulnerabilities by hackers

There are also a few disadvantages to consider:

  • The cost of an audit can be expensive, depending on the size and complexity of the contract
  • Not all companies offer comprehensive auditing services
  • An audit does not guarantee that the contract will be error-free or compliant with all laws and regulations. Before signing a smart contract, you should contact an attorney.


As businesses continue to adopt blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, it is important that they understand the risks associated with using smart contracts. By having your contracts audited by professionals, you can reduce the risk of encountering problems down the road. The firms listed above are among the finest when it comes to smart contract auditing. Hope this article has been helpful!