You may think that technology stops in the offices of a manufacturing business; however, having the right technology on the factory floor and giving all your workforce training and access to it can make a lot of areas of your business more information-rich and alleviate a fair amount of wandering around, and stress especially when it comes to hitting deadlines and customer targets.

Scheduling software

Having scheduling software is one thing, but you need to make sure that every one of your workers, including on the factory floor, has access to it. In order to get the most out of your scheduling software, all your workers need to be taught how to use it and move jobs on from their list or place jobs on hold while adding notes on why that particular job stop.

This will prove very beneficial to your scheduling team. They will be able to keep a check on when jobs are going to hit their deadlines and, even more importantly, when they are not so that they can keep your customer informed.

Industrial balers

Technology difference in manufacturing business

Having an industrial baler on site will also be a good idea. It will help your cleaning employees or certain members of your workforce keep areas such as your warehouse or your yard clear of debris such as unwanted packaging and cardboard boxes, baled for storage or shipping to customers or for recycling purposes.

Of course, it is prudent to purchase the right baling wire for the job that you intend to carry out, and you do have to be aware that there are different balers for different jobs, as well as there being many different varieties of baling wire. In order to make sure that you are looking at the correct baling wire for your needs and for your machine, it is wise to go to an experienced and professional business such as Baling Wire Direct.

Personal tablets

Obtaining good quality personal tablets for each and every member of your workforce has many benefits. For one, you will be able to start the journey to having a paperless manufacturing business. Your tablets attach to your business’s cloud, so they will have access to product drawings and job procedure packs if you have them. Members of staff will be able to access your scheduling software so that they can keep their own work schedules up to date so that others in your business will be able to see where any particular work order is and how it is progressing.

Your workforce will also have access to their email accounts so that you can email each and every one of the direct to keep them updated on what is going on within your business and their own particular progress.

Of course, it is paramount for this to run smoothly that you invest in good quality tablets and that you train your workforce in how to use them properly. Purchasing low-cost or cheap tablets is a waste of time as they will spend more time needing to be fixed than actually on your lines being used.

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