Keyword Definition

In SEO, the “keyword” is the word that is entered into the search engine. We sometimes speak of a keyword phrase when we enter several words.

But the term “keyword” is often used whether it is a single word or an expression. The choice of keywords is a decisive step in your SEO strategy.

It would be pointless for you to appear on only a few keywords that generate no or very little traffic.

Characteristics of a “good” keyword

A keyword must contain

Be relevant to your page’s content (it reflects your business, the products or services you offer). Generate as much traffic as possible.

Among all the possible keywords, it is preferable to choose the most often searched for in the engines that will generate the most traffic.

To be accessible “. Today, for some keywords, Google has already referenced tens or hundreds of millions of pages!

And also, while many of these pages are already well optimized for SEO. It might be technically long and challenging to reach the top spots.

Although nothing is impossible, it is often preferable, in such a context, to favour more “accessible” keywords.

Therefore, the keyword choice phase’s objective is to find the best compromise between relevance, traffic volume, and technical feasibility.

It is better to optimize each page of the site or one priority keyword.

“Priority” keywords and “long tail” keywords

We can distinguish: “priority” keywords or “long tail” keywords.

These are words describing your primary business, your main products or services, the name of your company, or your brand.

A keyword of this type is often searched for in engines and generates significant traffic (relative to other words).

“long tail” keywords, often called “long tail words” (usually expressions made up of several words), which, taken individually, generate little traffic.

When combined, it can represent a share of high site visits (up to 80% of visits for “big” sites). Besides, these “long tail” keywords generally lead to better conversion rates.

They are, therefore, essential as part of an SEO strategy.

How to find keyword ideas for your site?

What tools and assets are available to find keywords for your site?

  • Your knowledge of your products/services of your site
  • Competitors website
  • Google suggestions in the SERPs
  • The Google Keyword Planner (ex. Google Keyword Generator) provides keyword ideas.
  • Either from a base listing or a URL and picture from monthly search volumes for each keyword.

It thus makes it possible to determine how many times a word search for each month on Google.

Conclusion and what to do with these keywords?

Keywords are use to optimize better your website’s structure, metadata, and content than your blog.

But they are also use to reduce your advertising campaigns’ cost and better understand.

What Internet users be looking for; the choice of keyword press write for us is an essential step in your SEO strategy.

Take the time to do this, especially since the exercise can quickly turn out to be fascinating. However, when it comes to better understanding your connected customers.