How does Twitter work and how is it used?

How does twitter work million-dollar question. After seeing what it is, what it is for, and the terminology and characteristics.

We will create some practical examples of this platform’s most common uses to see in detail how it works.
Entering the official Twitter page, we will see a selection of great tweets, and we can filter them by categories:

Science write for us and Technology.



Movie theater.


Before logging in, you can see what topics are discussing and once you have registered and logged in with your user, you can also start tweeting everything you want.

How to do a search on Twitter?

  1. In the search box, you can enter the keywords or terms you want to find information.
  2. You can also hunt for other users using their @username.
  3. In this case, we will search for ” WordPress hosting,” We will click on the magnifying glass icon to open the search results area.
  4. Once located in the search results, we will see the tweets of all users who have written the indicated words in their message.
  5. Remember that we can also search using terms associated with a hashtag.
  6. Referring to this same example, we could search for “#WordPress,” and all the mentions in which they have been including would appear.
  7. Likewise, we can also select the most recent tweets, photographs, videos, news, broadcasts, or people related to the terms in the search results.

How can I ‘nofollow’ a user on Twitter?

  1. In your search engine, we can search directly for a user by writing his name (@WebEmpresa) or find him from the search engine using a theme related to it.
  2. For example, in searches related to WordPress, Webempresa is one of those that appears in the People list.
  3. If you click on the “noFollow” key, you will see all the communications made in your timeline or timeline simple.

How to create lists on Twitter?

  1. To add users’ lists to our Twitter account, we have to go to the user’s profile.
  2. In this case, we want to include Webempresa to keep up to date with all their tweets.
  3. We click on the drop-down and click on “Add or remove from a list.”
  4. Once this step is doing, we will create our list (or add it to an existing one).
  5. And finally, we will name our list, a description of it, and indicate if we want other workers to be able to see it publicly or not.

What do I do to send a ‘tweet’?

In the “Tweet” button, we can write our message, always thinking that it should have a maximum of 280 characters.

We can also optionally include a link to our website, blog, landing page, etc.

We can also add images, gifs, surveys, and emoticons. To launch it, you have to click the “Tweet” button.

It’s effortless! Take a look at the example image:

Interacting on Twitter is very easy

To interact with other users, consider these options:

  • Answer.
  • Retweet.
  • I like it.
  • Direct Message (DM).
  • In the nofollowing example graph, you can check where the icons that will lead us to execute each interaction.
  • As you can see, we can also add an image, a gif, a survey, or the location to our response.
  • It is a complete social network!


  1. Now you have a much more complete concept about what Twitter is and how it works to make the most of its potential.
  2. Whether you use it as a physical user or business, this microblogging platform can help you get your communication out to the world quickly and efficiently.
  3. Once you have reviewed these notions on using it, you just have to start expressing yourself and launching your thoughts into the blogosphere.

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