Internet Definition

  • The Internet is a worldwide network made up of several million computers.
  • The computers that essentially provide services to other systems are known as servers.
  • The servers are connected via Internet service providers (ISP) who manage (host) the information as websites (homepages, blogs, shops, e-mail accounts, etc.) and make it available to visitors (users).
  • You can use the Internet to retrieve information from all of these computers, send electronic messages to recipients worldwide, shop around the clock, book trips and much more.

Internet story

The Internet (from English internetwork, composed of the prefix inter and network ‘network’ or short net ‘network’) is a worldwide network of computers.

It combines Internet services such as WWW, e-mail, Telnet, Usenet and FTP. Any computer can connect to any other computer, provided you know its address.

The data exchange between the computers connected via the Internet usually occurs via the Internet service provider, ISP for short, which I will discuss later.

It was not pending in 1990 that the it was available worldwide for commercial purposes.

It originally meant that part of the graphically structured Internet requires also-called web browser such as Microsoft write for us  Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and some more to operate.

And also, today the terms “web” and “internet” mainly used interchangeably.

How can this be used?

– electronic mail, or E-mail or e-mail (in French)
– file transfer using a so-called FTP transfer protocol,
– forums and discussion groups based on a specific network of servers called USENET.
– transmission of data in the form of pages conveyed by the Web or www (world wide web),
– real-time discussion group via Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
The Web, the most publicized, is only a (tiny!) part of what it can offer.

How does it work?

Two things needed to move data between two computers on a network with multiple computers.

The recipient’s address and a way to instantly deliver the electronic signals that make up the data to its destination.

And also, it is effortless to lose or damage these signals.


It uses a unique computer language called a protocol that guarantees the arrival of signals intact.

It is of 2 types of standards: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol). We are, therefore, talking about the TCP / IP protocol.

When a block of text needs to pass from one computer to another on the Internet, TCP breaks the text down into small chunks or packets, listing each of their contents for checking on arrival.

IP writes the recipient’s address on these packets.


TCP / IP packets can take different paths to a single destination. At each intersection of Internet networks, routers decide, for each package, the most suitable way to the next router.

That helps to avoid traffic jams. When the packets turn up at their destination.

The computer checks the IP address and the TCP contents, then proceeds to assemble the pieces. If one of them gets damaged, it reshipped.

The gateways

Other machines called gateways allow different types of networks independent of the Internet to talk TCP/IP.

The gateways translate these networks original language into TCP / IP and vice versa, thus making communication possible.

It appears to the user as a giant network, responding to commands almost instantly.

And also, the interaction between computers, gateways, routers and protocols gives this illusion.


Some computers on the Internet have special programs that allow them to talk “TCP / IP”.

To be part of the this, you must connect to one of these machines or hosts capable of managing the Protocol: it is then necessary to have an account.

Several computers connect to a host computer simultaneously, each through a telephone line and a modem.

Once connected, they can send instructions to the host from the keyboard, the results of which will, in turn, displayed on their screen.

The host and the computer communicate in a common language: SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) or PPP (Point to Point Protocol).

The laptop is then an integral part of the Internet; it has its hostname and its IP address.

It is capable of assembling the data packets sent in TCP / IP. And also, it requires a powerful modem.

What do you need for an Internet connection (analogue, ISDN, DSL or TV cable)?

There are several ways that you can connect to the Internet.

It is primarily based on the conditions at your place of residence or work and your needs.

It is how you can use this via your analogue telephone network via your ISDN system via a DSL modem through your television cable via a satellite via your mobile device via UMTS.

In connection with an analogue landline connection or ISDN.

It can be used and telephoned at the same time via the same subscriber line using a narrowband modem.

Although the Internet connection is pretty slow and may require a lot of patience.