When scheming your brand’s digital marketing plan, this type of advertising is an ingredient that you cannot miss.

In latest years, we have seen the appearance and popularization of this technique. And far from disappearing, it is an increasingly important part of the strategies.

So much so that it has been predicting that in 2021 it will represent no less than 74% of advertising revenue.

What is the Definition of Native Advertising?

Native Advertising is integrated with the medium in which it appears, adapting its form and content to be less intrusive for the user.

Good Native Advertising must be one whose content is attractive and useful for the user.

Capable of being shared and in which the brand must be present as a secondary actor, never as the main one.

Thus, it is necessary to have quality, original content that serves to transmit the values and brand message without losing the medium’s essence.
The premise should be that the user does not feel that they are selling something but that see it because they are interested and like it.

What are the Features of Native Advertising?

It is according to the content of the page

There is crucial because if the ad is related to the topic or the page’s product.

The visitors will not bother them, and they can even take it as part or complement the main content.

On many occasions, these ads are annoying precisely because they are not of interest to the visitor.

On the other hand, one related to the voluntarily sought information initially has a greater acceptance chance.

It’s not always about promotional content.

In most belongings, it has to do with promotional content.

Still, native advertising is also applicable to valuable content as it can use to redirect to a blog, video tutorial, or download an e-book.

How does Native Advertising work?

Generally, when we visit a web page, we can see a lot of banner ads.

As users have become “desensitized” in front of them, they have become more and more visible, more intrusive, and more annoying to try to get attention.

The result is that experience of reading or consuming the content was affected.

Instead of an individual attracted to the brand, the user perceives the ads because of a nuisance. For users, Native Advertising has many advantages.

What are the Advantages of Native Advertising?


  • Although it sounds surprising, a study revealed that 52% of users pay more attention to native advertising than traditional banners. Why is this happening?
  • The reality is that banners have been around for so long that most users automatically identify them as advertising, and their brain considers them irrelevant.
  • As it is a new and integrated format within the web areas where users are not used to finding advertising.
  • Native trainers are more likely to attract users’ attention.


  • The same study by IPG Media Lab reveals that the percentage of users who look at native advertising is the same as those who look at the actual recommended content.
  • It seems to show that users still do not know how to differentiate between one and the other.
  • For this reason, many users accept this type of advertising better and perceive it less as a misleading offer.