New Tesla Truck

New Tesla Truck Announces Production of Tesla Semi Electric Truck Will Not Begin Until 2020. Tesla, which was recently published.

Financial Results for the first quarter of the year – not very good – took the opportunity to announce that the production of the expected track of the Californian company, the Tesla Semi, will not begin until 2020.

On the other hand, the place of production has not yet been confirming. However, Jerome Guillen, the director of the Tesla Semi program, has explained that both the batteries and the transmissions will be manufacturing in Reno, Nevada.

A promotional campaign to calm investors

When the Palo Alto company presented its electric truck for the first time in 2017, it assured that it would go into production in 2019, and it still appears on its website:

  • But it seems that it has become clear that we will have to wait until 2020, although reservations can already be making for $ 20,000.
  • Tesla is intensively testing its electric trucks at peak loads, according to the executive, while they make design improvements. We have also seen him making Model 3 home deliveries or transporting equipment and material to his factories.
  • In recent weeks, the truck’s promotional videos have been publishing, of which the company aims to manufacture 100,000 units a year.
  • The truth is that a delay in the manufacture of the Tesla Semi is of greater importance than in the rest of its products since large companies dedicated to the trade – DHL, Wallmart, Pepsi – have already made their reservations to update their fleets. Hence, Vehicles are an essential part of your business.
  • They will have to wait to enjoy autonomies of up to 800 km, consumption of 1.25 kWh for each kilometer traveled, and a tractor unit that without the trailer attached promises to reach 100 km / h in approximately 5 seconds.

Bad results in the first quarter

Tesla made incomes for the first time in the third quarter of 2018. But it has not maintained a positive balance at the beginning of the 2019 financial year.

The company had announced losses of $ 702.1 million, slightly less than last year, during the first quarter when it announced losses of $ 709 million.

The company founded by Elon Musk currently has 2.2 billion dollars in its account. After paying off a convertible bond issue that expired in March. According to analysts, capital will need to meet the ambitious production goals that have been proposing.

We tested the Tesla Model 3:

  • An interface is too complicated for an electric car faster than a BMW M3. According to Musk, 63,000 vehicles were bringing in the first quarter.
  • With total deliveries forecast for this year of 400,000 Model S, Model X and Model 3, and could even reach 500,000.
  • If the newly opened Shanghai factory reaches its level. Expected production in the last quarter of the year.
  • The company has attributed the massive revenue loss to vehicle delivery delays. Especially with the Model 3 launch in Europe and China.

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