Do you know how important it is to have a truly efficient business analyst for your business success? The essentiality of having exceptional business analysts in your company is multi-dimensional. However, upon simplifying things, business analysts serve modern organizations’ needs for cost-effective and inventive technology solutions and lucid methods of describing these solutions to several stakeholders. The reason is, as you know, the current global market has become immensely complex.

With efficient business analysts’ presence being highly crucial in your business organization, you can recruit suitable candidates in two different approaches – conducting extensive in-house interviews or relying on outsourcing companies like Pearl Lemon Recruitment. This prominent recruitment firm is known for finding active and passive highly qualified BA and BA teams for years.

So, let’s highlight what a business analyst is and what qualities they should require to be exceptional.

Who is a Business Analyst?

A business analyst is an employee of your business who diminishes all remoteness of IT with the business departments with data analytics. A BA’s primary responsibility is feeding company stakeholders and executives with reports developed by assessing processes, identifying requirements, and data-driven recommendations.

Business Analysts collaborate with users and business leaders and recognize how to add more value and efficiencies to business by making changes in services, products, processes, hardware, and software.

 Traits Business Analysts Should Essentially Have

  • Excellent Communication Skills: A business analyst can never hold face-to-face meetings with stakeholders and other entities without sufficient communication skills. However, there’s no alternative way of having practical communication skills for a business analyst. He should be able to converse with employees and managers via emails, phone calls, and face-to-face. Hindrances in these processes can only create more impediments for everyone.
  • Problem Solving Skill: An efficient recruitment agency for business analyst will never choose someone who gets into dilemmas when solving problems. Modern businesses are complex and include various facets like management, processes, employees, customers, and more. Hence, he should find solutions only after going through several relevant scenarios and operations. Similarly, he should be able to determine a solution after assessing problems from all perspectives possible.
  • Analytical Approach: Various forms of analysis are present, and an efficient Business Analyst should have a clear idea of them. Yet, so many kinds of analysis are present that it’s effortless to get perplexed. However, a worthy candidate should know when shifting to PESTLE from value chain analysis is advantageous.

The analysis aids one in breaking problems and solutions into simple pieces of information, enabling him to reach their depth easily.

Concluding Lines

Along with these three traits, the person you appoint as a business analyst in your company should have sufficient knowledge in process modeling. In addition, critical thinking is yet another trait without which no business analyst can survive. This attitude is essential for his and your company’s success, as complications are common in any ongoing project. A third-party recruitment agency always considers these aspects and many others while appointing BAs for you, making hiring them a better decision than conducting in-house interviews.