Google bot Definition

Google bot will explore a site, the pages that compose it through the links present there to collect as much data as probable and have a more precise description.

It is like other crawlers, tends to visit sites with original content. Adding “new” content to a site helps attract bots more frequently.

It is what Google says about its robot, the Google bot: “Google’s robot does not access a website more than once per second.”

How does Google bot work?

The content of each site and each web page is analyzed during the crawl of the Google robot.

Google bot arrives on a website: when it comes to the site, the Google robot will first look at the web page by analyzing its HTML source code. He saves this source code and sends it to Google.

Google bot then explores the links present on the pages: it will look at all the links and study them so that an Internet user could click on them.

Google bot arrives, through a link, on a new URL: in the same way as before, it will retrieve the HTML codes of this page and send them to the Google index.
It explores the links of these pages again: it will look once again at all the links present before recording the HTML codes of these URLs that it will reach… and so on.

Namely, before crawling a site, the Google bot checks the rules presented at the level of the Robots.txt file.

It defines the pages and links that it has the right to crawl or not and the links to be indexed in its search engine.

It is also important to explain here that Google bot should not be blocked from accessing JS and CSS files, preventing it from fully understanding web pages.

Google bot, the Google robot, spends his time crawling URLs. It does not crawl all the pages of a website at once.

More About Google

He comes and returns to a site and tries at each of these visits to best explore the URLs present the website according to different criteria:

The depth of a site: the more clicks there are to reach a page from the home page, the more random the crawl.

The update frequency: a website will be regularly updated more frequently; crawl a site where the updates are less frequent.

The notion of crawl budget refers to the total number of pages that Google will crawl on a site. The crawl budget is the “machine time” that Google will allocate to crawl a website.

The frequency of the Google robot

The frequency with which Google robots visit a website is highly variable. It can range from a few minutes to a few days.

Google bot adapts the frequency of its visits according to the freshness of the information. Indeed, it all depends on your content and how often you post new information on your site.

The more regular the updates, the more the site will considered dynamic and therefore valued by Google.

Via the Search Console, in the “Cover” section, webmasters can have all the information on the desire URLs, their presence in the sitemap and the date of its last exploration by Google robots.

The advantage of the Google bot is Google’s servers are link to the server on which your site has hosted.

The server, therefore, has a history of the traces left by the Google bot (via the HTTP log files). Such as Botify, Oncrawl or Deepcrawl, you can perform log analyses.

Therefore, the results of the passage of Google bot can be interesting to analyze to improve its SEO.

How to optimize the exploration of a site by the Google bot?

There are different methods to promote the passage of Googlebot on a site.

The optimization robots.txt is essential because this file is a directive for the robots of search engines.

It allows you to decide and tell the Google bot which pages it should crawl or not. That will enable him to point out the essential pages of a site.

The frequency of the Google robot depends on the updates of the various pages present on the site. It matches its crawl frequency on the update frequency of the pages of a site.

You must, therefore, regularly enrich your site with unique and qualitative content.

If you copy the content already present on another page of your site, Google’s robots will not try to come back to a location where the pages are similar.

It is therefore essential that the pages of a site have unique content.

Another critical point in optimizing the exploration of a site by the Google bot is a simple tree structure.

Indeed, the more precise the design, the further Google bot goes and indexes the linked content.

Indeed, Google cannot crawl everything. Having a well-constructed site and integrating an excellent internal linkage will facilitate the exploration and indexing of a site’s pages.

A sitemap.XML is a list in XML format that lists all the pages of a website. A sitemap.XML helps structure a website, and, therefore, it will tell search engine pepper robot write for us to understand how a site is structured.

Understanding how the Google bot works is the starting point for improving your natural referencing; therefore, it is essential to a good SEO strategy and has an effective digital marketing strategy.