WordPress Definition

WordPress is a content administration system (CMS) that allows you to create and maintain a blog or website type.

With almost ten years of survival and more than a thousand themes (templates) available on its official website, It is not only simple.

And an intuitive system to create a personal blog. But it also allows you to create all kinds of more composite websites.

WordPress is a supreme system for a website that is frequently updated.

If the content is written frequently, they can find all that chronological order (the most recent first and last, the oldest). It is the ideal system for basic or for those who do not have much industrial awareness.

WordPress has a scheme of plugins, which allow extending the capabilities of WordPress, thus achieving a more plastic CMS.

We have already answered the question about what it is, and we are now going to explain the basic features of WordPress.

What can I do with WordPress?

On many occasions, WordPress is related to a tool that only serves to construct blogs.

It is not exact: with WordPress, we can create a blog and much more. And also business websites, online stores, digital newspaper, reservation centre, etc.

Next, we will see some of the things that we can create with this content manager.


It is its best-known function. WordPress incorporates, in its default putting in, all the typical functionalities of a blog.

You are displaying articles in blog format, adding comments to entries, the possibility of organizing papers by categories or tags, etc. Besides, various modules called widgets, common to blogs.

It can be added to the web: blog category list, tag list, search engine, list of most-read articles, list of last comments, etc.

With all this, it can be said that WordPress is possibly the best tool to create a blog. All the more reason if we take into account its simplicity of use.

Corporate web

WordPress can be used ultimately to create a business website.

Understanding as such a page where we can inform about everything that concerns our company or business: who we are, services, clients, etc. Thanks to the multitude of templates available for WordPress.

We can get very varied designs for our website. It was ranging from a website with a minimalist design.

It shows little information to complete websites that load a lot of data on each page. We can create different sections on our website to organize the content.

These are not restricted to static pages or blog page, but thanks to the thousands of plugins available. We can add more functionalities such as contact form, forum, directories, etc.

How to install WordPress?

The ease of use of WordPress is not only limited to content management.

But the installation process is also straightforward, and it will just take a few minutes to complete. First of all, we must have a place to install our WordPress.

We can do it on our local computer if we have a web server installed (Apache) or do it on a hosting service. Only with this last option can we make the web visible to other users.

The server where we host the web has to be capable of running PHP and supporting MySQL databases.

Besides, other minimum requirements must be met for everything to work correctly.

Once we have a place to host our WordPress, we must download the WordPress installer. And also, unzip it in the path where the web will be loaded.

Next, we will have to create a MySQL database and a user with access to that database.

Now we must open the page where we have uploaded the WordPress files. An installation wizard will be shown in several steps.

We will have to enter the connection data to the database, our website’s name, and the administrator user data.

After this wizard, we will have the web ready to start adding content and customizing it. If you have a WordPress hosting account, the installation process will be more straightforward.

From the same account control panel, you will have an option to choose between different WordPress write for us designs (company, blog, store, etc.)

The installation process will be done automatically, without more than entering a few data.

And also, installation path, website name, username and password. It will not be necessary to upload the files or create the database.

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